Operations Committee

About the Committee

The Operations Committee serves a variety of functions:

  • Facilitates the creation of new clubs and works to enhance already existing clubs.
  • Achieves effective creation and enhancement processes by assisting clubs to develop and improve their club constitutions. 
  • May be called upon for constitution interpretation in the case of a club dispute, or any other consultative tasks involving the various clubs and organizations on campus.

The Operations Committee meets on Wednesdays from 6-7 pm in McShane 119. 

Please direct any questions/concerns to usgopsrh@fordham.edu.

Operations Committee

Resources for Existing Club Leaders

Operations Packet

Each semester, it is mandatory for every club on campus to fill out an Operations Packet to maintain their status as an active club. Clubs cannot receive funding from the Budget Committee unless they fill out the Operations Packet. For Spring 2024, the Packets open on March 1st and are due on April 2nd!

Link to Operations Packet & Link to Presentation

Amendment Process

Typical Reasons for Updating a Club Constitution:

  • A new election process is needed.
  • You are changing the name of the club.
  • You are changing your executive board structure.
  • Your current constitution doesn’t account for your club’s growth.
  • You don’t have a section for vacancies or special elections.

Step 1: Adherence to Guidelines

To make sure the amendments are in line with the student handbook, please review club rights & responsibilities

Step 2: Amendment Form

Before you begin this form please be prepared to upload your constitution and summarize the changes made.  The VP of Operations will then share you on a shared document to make changes in “Suggested Editing” mode.

New Club Process

Congratulations on taking the first step towards enhancing the Fordham University community through improving campus activities. By beginning the process, you have shown that you have what it takes to be a leader: an idea and follow-through. Your prospective club will help to enhance the Fordham community not only during your time here, but also for many years to come.

Step 1: New Club Application Form

Click here for the form!

Before you begin this form please be prepared to enter/upload the following information:

Step 2: Operations Committee Review

You will receive an email from your Operations Committee liaison who will be reviewing your application and constitution and presenting it to the committee. The Committee will review your application and send you any comments or questions the committee may have. Please be on the lookout for this email, as this is the step that tends to slow down the process.

Step 3: Dean Review

The Assistant Dean for Student Involvement will review the application and send back any edits that need to be made or will approve the application and pass it along to the next step. 

The Dean of Students will review the application and send back any edits that need to be made or approve the application.

Step 4: USG Approval

After they have approved the application, 2 E-Board members will present in front of the USG Senate on what your club does, how it will use University funding and how it fills a need that is not being met on campus.


Calum Stewertson (Chair)

Aidan Duffy (Vice Chair)

Kaitlyn Ross (Social Media Co-Head)

Allie Kouch (Social Media Co-Head)

Wesley Kim

Jack Hanus

Jagger Albert

Evan McManus

Haania Imran

Ally Looram

Megan Ruzicka