Leave your mark on Fordham, run for USG!
Interested in running for United Student Government, improving the student experience at Rose Hill, and being the change you want to see on campus? Great! Our election process is now underway, and here is everything you need to know:
So you want to run for USG? Here’s how to do it…
1. Decide you want to run!
Can you commit to the weekly 5:30-7:00 PM Thursday meetings?
If you can’t commit to these regular meetings, this might not be the year to run for USG. Meetings are mandatory for all senators and VPs.
2. Attend an Information Session
The information sessions will take place on the following dates. If you can’t make any session, please contact usgelectionsrh@fordham.edu.
Monday, April 8, 2024: 1-2 PM @ Campbell Multipurpose Room
Monday, April 8, 2024: 5-6 PM @ Keating 1st
Tuesday, April 9, 2024: 4-5 PM @ Keating 1st
Tuesday, April 9, 2024: 5-6 PM @ Keating 1st
Wednesday, April 10, 2024: 1-2 PM @ McShane 260
Wednesday, April 10, 2024: 5-6 PM @ McShane 311
Thursday, April 11, 2024: 4-5 PM @ McShane 112
3. Get Signatures! (Refer to the Candidate Packet in the sidebar)
4. Fill out the Candidate Information Packet! (Refer to the Information Packet in the sidebar)
Here’s what you’ll be asked to complete:
- Personal information (name, email, class, position you’re running for, etc.)
- Intent to Abide
- Candidate Platform (examples here)
- Candidate Signatures
- Social Media Handles (whatever accounts you’re using to campaign)
- Ballot Info (name, picture, and other info that we’ll feature of you)
- Submit your form!
5. Attend a USG Meeting (optional, but encouraged)
All USG meetings are held 5:30-7:00 PM every Thursday — join us in person in McShane 112!
6. Mark your calendars for these Mandatory Meetings:
Friday, April 12, 2024 at 5 PM in McShane 112: Candidates Meeting
Wednesday, April 17, 2024 at 7 PM in McShane 303: Meet the Senate Candidates Debate Night
Thursday, April, 18, 2024 at 7 PM in McShane 112: Meet the E-Board Candidates Debate Night
7. Campaign
The campaign period will take place from April 13 to April 23!
1. How many signatures do I need to submit per position?
- All senate candidates must receive signatures from only their class and Rose Hill
- Senate Candidates must receive 50 signatures from students in their class
- VP of FCRH and Gabelli must receive 100 signatures from their respective college
- All other cabinet candidates must receive 150 signatures
- Executive ticket must receive a total of 250 signatures.
3. That’s a lot of signatures …. How do I get the required amount?
- Ask your friends, classmates, club members, and roommates! You must ask people in person!
4. What should my campaign promotional materials look like?
- They can be anything! From official photoshoots, to TikToks, to printed posters! As long as your materials follow the rules outlined in the Election Code and are appropriate, you are free to do whatever best represents your platform. Have fun with it!
5. How many meetings are required to run for this position?
- 3!* One information session, the Candidate Meeting, and Meet the Candidates (either Senate or Executive and Cabinet depending on what you’re running for)
- *If you’re running for a VP position, check the bylaws for this position because most require that you attend their Council meetings in addition to a USG Meeting.
6. What’s the difference between Cabinet and Senate?
- The USG Cabinet is made up of 11 VP positions and the Executive ticket, or the Executive President and Vice President. Each VP chairs a Committee related to their respective seat. For example, the VP of Gabelli chairs the Gabelli Dean’s Council. Each VP is responsible for their committee and serves as a mentor for senators looking to pass proposals related to their respective seats.
- The USG Senate is made up of 4 class councils with 5 senate seats on each. Each class elects 2 FCRH and 2 Gabelli Senators with the 5th seat acting as a swing for the next candidate with the highest votes, regardless of school. Senators participate in the committees the VP’s run, as mentioned above, and can present and pass their own individual proposals as well. They represent their individual class and college.
Email usgelectionsrh@fordham.edu for inquiries!
Important Links
- Candidate Packet (mandatory)
- Candidate Information Packet (mandatory)
- Election Code
- Club Endorsement Form
- Election Complaint Form