Brian Inguanti

Vice President of Student Life

Fordham College at Rose Hill, Class of 2024

Major(s): Political Science

Minor: Economics

Clubs: Army ROTC, Campus Ministry, Pedro Arrupe Volunteers 
Pronouns: He/Him

Why did you join USG?

I joined USG to serve the student body and make a difference at Fordham. The Student Experience Committee is especially fulfilling since my work has a direct impact for students.

What are you hoping to accomplish this year?

I want to continue our usual programming (Keating Steps, Art Show, Beacon Exemplar) while exploring new programming opportunities.

What is your hometown?

Rutherford, New Jersey

What has been your favorite class at Fordham so far?

Intro to Politics taught by Professor Nicholas Tampio.

What is your favorite thing about Fordham?

The people you meet.

Where to reach me: