Connor Larson


Fordham College at Rose Hill, Class of 2025 

Major(s): International Political Economy

Minor: Computer Science

Clubs: Model UN – Treasurer, Club Basketball – Social Media Manager
Pronouns: he/him


Why did you join USG?

I genuinely love Fordham, and I love being involved on campus. By joining USG, I hope to further my involvement to improve the collegiate experience.

What are you hoping to accomplish this year?

I want to continue my work that I started on the FCRH Dean’s Council Student Success Subcommittee, which is to improve the career opportunities for FCRH students.

What is your hometown?

Milford, CT

What is your favorite thing about Fordham?

The people. I really feel at home, and I love being surrounded by people who are really motivated for positive change all the time. .

What has been your favorite class at Fordham so far?

Introduction to International Politics with Dr. Labonte