Emma Balint

Vice President of Fordham College at Rose Hill

Fordham College at Rose Hill, Class of 2024

Major(s): Psychology

Minor: Bioethics

Clubs: Rose Hill Society, Psychology Club, Field Hockey Club, Surgical Society
Pronouns: She/Her

Why did you join USG?

I joined USG because I knew it would be a great way to get involved on campus, while also being able to make an impact on the student experience at Fordham. Additionally, I wanted to be around other students who had similar goals as me and want to make a positive impact at our school. I also specifically loved FCRH Dean’s Council because I believe it is important to have strong connections between the students and the Administration and Deans, which Dean’s Council continuously gets to work towards!

What are you hoping to accomplish this year?

I plan on working towards three major initiatives/programming this academic year. First, I want to create a student mentorship program where upperclassmen students and alumni can mentor underclassmen within their major. Second, I want to create a streamlined process for finding research opportunities within FCRH departments. And third, I want to improve the career readiness seminar for FCRH students. Additionally, I want to continuously increase the connection between the Fordham Administration and the students.

What is your hometown?

Bel Air, Maryland

What has been your favorite class at Fordham so far? 

Probably my introduction to bioethics class!

What is your favorite thing about Fordham?

I love the community at Fordham! I think everyone pushes you to be both a better student and a better person. Everyone is so motivated and it is really encouraging to be around people who continuously work hard at their goals.

Where to reach me:
