
Information and resources related to Sexual Misconduct on College Campuses

Federal/State Laws Regarding Sexual Assault and Rape

For information regarding the Clery Act, which requires Colleges and Universities to disclose information regarding crimes on and off Campus, especially in regards to sexual assault, please follow this link:

For definitions of terms to Sexual Assault and Rape, please follow this link to the U.S. Penal Code:

To learn about the latest legislation passed to help battle Sexual Assault on College Campuses, please follow this link to the Campus SaVE Act:

For national reports stemming from the Clery and SaVE Acts, please follow this link to the U.S. Dept. of Education:

Fordham-Related Information On Sexual Assault

CARE Materials and information relating to the reporting of Sexual Assault and Rape:

Information for survivors of Rape from Fordham’s Health Services may be found here:

Information for survivors of Sexual Assault from Fordham’s Counseling and Psychological Services may be found here:


Counseling and Resource Information For Survivors of Sexual Assault

To find the nearest Crisis Center, please follow this link:

For a Recovery Guide developed for Survivors, please follow this link from