On Thursday, January 25th, the United Student Government held special elections to fill four open positions. Of these positions, there was an open GSB Class of 2019 seat, FCRH Class of 2020 seat, FCRH Class of 2021 seat and the Vice President of Finance position.

The United Student Government was thrilled to welcome nine candidates for the special elections. We thank all those who ran and are happy to congratulate Morgan Menzzasalma (GSB ’19), Matthew Schumacher (FCRH ’20) and Carsyn Fisher (FCRH ’21). We are also proud to announce that Kaylee Wong, a GSB Class of 2020 senator, was elected to be Vice President of Finance.

United Student Government will hold special elections to fill the empty GSB Class of 2020 seat on Thursday, February 1st at 5:30pm in McGinley 237.