April 14, 2016

Meeting minutes from USG’s Senate Meeting on April 16, 2016.

Roll Call/Welcome Guests

Public Concerns

Special Orders

New Business

Old Business

    • Club Suite Guidelines Document: VP Vergara
      • New guidelines have been formed. Plan on putting in action by March 1st. Discussion and presentation opened regarding guidelines and enforcement. Wants to stress that USG does not impose any sanctions, strictly a recommendation to administration.
    • The Beautiful Bronx Art Gallery: VP Vergara
      • Great attendance and interest in show. Around 50 people were in attendance. great success hope for more in coming future.
    • Climate Survey Initiative: Senators McGuire, Halpin, and David
      • Not able to use outside platform, switching to OrgSync for survey and will likely be sent out on Monday.
    • Diversity Action Coalition: Senator Assim
      • Made list of forms of diversity to be included into courses for Fall 2016. University wants them to explore how long it will take to explore subject area.
    • Fordham Flea: Senator Assim
      • Went over official staffing list. Requested USG to help for staffing the event as well as tabling for event awareness. List sent out via email for USG Members to sign up.


    • Executive Update
      • USG raised $520 for our gift of Beyonce Tickets. Mid-Year Report went out and was well received it was very successful.
      • Elections are coming up so please be aware of what positions you are running for.
    • Delegate Updates: RHA, CSA, SAAC
      • RHA: $8000 raised, 12% of $50,000 goal. $10 entrance fee for FDM, Feb 27th- 11am- 11pm.
      • CSA: None
      • SAAC: None
    • Advisors Update: Office for Student Involvement
      • Club leader sessions are open, as well as Orientation Applications are due the 24th.
      • Started a vote on the Dodrabicentential Logo to gauge student interest.
      • Conference this weekend to cooperate with other Jesuit schools on activities and programming for students.
    • Senate Updates
      • 2019: Working on Swipe Donation Program. Looking into possibilities of vendor proposals to have donation programs for meal swipes.
      • 2018: Holiday Hosting Survey extended for next two weeks. Looks to get list of International Students to send out.
        • Senator Banasewicz: looking to get Jesuit talks on campus. Very early stages of planning.
      • 2017: Career Day for International students is in the works. Hopes to allow students to get work in US or American Students to work Abroad.
        • Working on Diversity Survey regarding on Students background.
      • 2016: Watch the Gap. Fordham art exhibit hopes to bring students and outside community together.
      • Sustainability: proposing to using more electric vehicles on campus and increasing green space on campus.
        • Plan to increase student visibility in regard to sustainability. Students are unaware of the sustainability efforts on campus. Plan to put signs on campus about whats going on around campus regarding sustainability.
    • E-Board Updates
      • VP Cali: plans to form survey regarding active shooter drill on campus.
      • VP Stroie: Subcommittees have been formed for budget.
      • VP Strazzeri: Minutes are updated.

Good of the Order

Open Floor
