United Student Government at Rose Hill will have a special election for one open Senate position and the Vice President of Health and Safety position. The open Senate seat is the Gabelli School of Business for the Class of 2020. Senators are responsible for representing the needs of their classmates, bringing forth initiatives to accomplish this semester and attending the weekly USG Senate meetings.

The Vice President of Health and Safety oversees the relationship between USG and the administrative personnel of the Office of Safety and Security; Student Health Services; Counseling and Psychological Services; and the Office of Substance Abuse Prevention and Student Support, advocating and working to resolve area-specific needs and concerns.

Those interested in the position should email the VP of Communications, Connor Sullivan, at csullivan66@fordham.edu by Wednesday, January 24th to express interest.

The special election for the GSB Class of 2020 Senate seat will take place at the USG meeting on Thursday, February 1st at 5:30pm in McGinley 237. The special election for the VP of Health and Seafety position will take place at the USG meeting on Thursday, February 8th at 5:30pm in McGinley 237. All candidates will have the opportunity to present their platform and answer any questions prior to a Senate vote.

For information on the election code, please visit www.usgrh.fordham.edu/elections.