USG Statement on Residence Hall Accommodations

Residential Life Final ProposalJoint USG-RHA Residential Life ProposalA Proposal to the Office of Residential Life Residence Hall AccommodationsMarch 2020                     Luke Morgan              Kaylee Wong             Ashley QamarPro-Tempore of the Senate...

USG Land Acknowledgement Statement

Fordham University (Jesuit) “​We pause to acknowledge that Fordham University occupies the land of the Nanticoke Lenni-Lenape people. As a community dedicated to the ideals of Jesuit education, Fordham aspires to show appreciation, respect, and concern for all peoples...

USG Statement – 8/8/19

To members of the Rose Hill community,   We the United Student Government at Rose Hill (USG RH) hope to share a brief message in light of recent press surrounding the United Student Government at Lincoln Center (USG LC) and Fordham University as they relate to...

USG Statement on Spring Weekend Performer

Trigger Warning: Topics including Sexual Assault, Violence and Harassment “To be drugged by the comforts of privilege is to become contributors to injustice as silent beneficiaries of the fruits of injustice… an attitude not simply of refusal but of...

Statement on Past Jesuit Sexual Assault Allegations

To our fellow members of the Fordham Community, On January 15th, 2019, the Northeast Province of the Society of Jesus released the names of Jesuits credibly accused of sexual abuse of a minor. It was revealed that five of these Jesuits had been assigned to Fordham...