To members of the Fordham Community,
We the members of the Diversity Action Coalition, and members of the Rose Hill United Student Government unequivocally condemn the sentiments vocalized in the petition issued by TFP (Tradition Family Property) Student Action calling for the suppression of LGBTQ+ gender identity and expression on Fordham’s campus this October.
We oppose the intent expressed in TFP’s petition and feel that allowing this sentiment to fester and take root within our University is unacceptable. As a Jesuit University, Fordham prides itself in “recognizing the dignity and uniqueness of each person.” Ensuring that students feel safe in freely expressing their own gender, sexuality, and identity is a priority of the United Student Government.
We, as Jesuit students, are called to go out into the world and be actively bothered and advocate as people for others. We as the United Student Government deem it necessary to denounce the exclusionary sentiments expressed by groups such as TFP Student Action in this petition. While it is a right for students to hold their beliefs and opinions, bigoted speech is not acceptable at Fordham where we value diversity and all members to live a life of exploration within our Jesuit tradition. In the words of Pope Francis, “If they accept the Lord and have goodwill, who am I to judge them?” We call students to recognize their peers as valuable and distinct members of the Fordham community, and to recognize that Fordham University is a home to students of all ethnicities, gender identities, religions, and sexualities.
As representatives of our fellow students, we uplift the identities of all of our LGBTQ+ peers and are offering ourselves as a resource and as allies to anyone who may be affected by this harmful rhetoric.
United Student Government